почти 8 лет назад 756

Книги серии "Brambly Hedge" на английском языке. Почта. Фото по запросу.

A Year in Brambly Hedge. НОВЫЙ НАБОР. 800 руб

4 книги в картонном кейсе, твердый переплет. Целый год приключений и забот мышат, маленьких обитателей лесной опушки.

"Winter Story", "Autumn Story", "Summer Story", "Spring Story".

"The mice of Brambly Hedge have many adventures but they always have time for fun too. All through the year, they mark the seasons with feasts and festivities and, of course, the mice never miss an opportunity to meet and celebrate."

The High Hills. В отличном состоянии, твердый переплет, суперобложка. 350 руб

32 стр

"It is the very end of autumn and Flax and Lily are busy making blankets for the voles in the High Hills. Mr Apple has to deliver the blankets to them before the cold weather sets in and Wilfred Toadflax is eager to go along. He is convinced there is gold to be found in the hills beyond Brambly Hedge and this is his chance to discover it.

Everything goes to plan until Wilfred scrambles up a rock face and can't get down. The mist begins to rise and soon Mr Apple and Wilfred are engulfed in a thick white fog, unable to find their way home…"

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