Приглашаю прокатиться в магазинчик в городе Рокфорд, штат Иллинойс

8 лет назад 403

Называется "загородная фермерская девчушка" -отличное название для магазинчика, не правда ли? )))

О создании магазина, общий смысл- "пути Господни не исповедиы" и счастливый случай:

"Last night I had a life changing moment.
I signed on the dotted line...and now I am proud to say I am OFFICIALLY a shopkeeper.
Urban Farmgirl will soon be it's own little shop in Rockford, IL!

I didn't seek out this shop...I feel in a way the shop has found me. There was a chain of random events that led me here, all starting with a conversation between a mail lady that knew of my work and a building owner looking for a tenant. Proof that relationships with everyone you meet are more important than you can ever imagine. You never know when that one little moment is going to lead you down a new path...

I am such a lucky girl...I get to be a caretaker of a lovely old building. It looks a little 'woody' right now...but it is going to be incredible, I promise! Those walls are awesome...they are 100 year old beadboard. They have had the old paint sandblasted off...yet bits of chippy paint still remain in the cracks. The floors are salvaged from a turn of century factory here in my town. I love this building. Every fiber of my being tells me I was meant to be here. That this is my place. My shop. Of all the places I could have handpicked to represent me, and Urban Farmgirl...I could never have found something more perfect if I had set out and tried.
I am super excited...but yet nervous. So many thoughts are running through my head. Will my town support me? Will they like what I have to offer them? Will I be able to survive? "

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