simplemom 2013

8 лет назад 469

Это что-то вроде здешнего забега флй-леди только по-масштабнее. Лично я там набираюсь храбрости перед разбором очередного завала в шкафу. Весь апрель девушки чистили дом и карму, довольно интересно получилось.

Вот например одно из ее заданий:

Как оттопыривался вдохновленный народ:

1. Micha
2. Linen Closet Makeover
3. Aimee
4. Far From Normal
5. Claire @ Lemon Jelly Cake
6. Mystie @ Simply Convivial
7. Daily Deliberations
8. Jill @ Daily Bread
9. Heather - Townsend House
10. Fly Mom
11. Katy @ Kate's Great Crafts
12. Braving the Kids Closets
13. Front Closet
14. kitchen accomplished
15. Turning Angst into a Clean Closet
16. Mom Writes Life I The Closets
17. Craft room Closet Overhaul
18. Linen Closet Organizing
19. Secret Weapon in Closet
20. Anchen
21. Inspired RD - Craft Closet
22. Closet with a Sloped Floor
23. Linen, Laundry & Pantry Closets
24. April
25. I can see the floor now
26. Intentionally Katie
27. Jessica @ TheOpenHome
28. kamisha sullivan
29. Amy @ Little Place Called Home
30. Cass
31. Courtney @ Simply Selman


- Почему ты не хочешь жениться?
- Я слишком люблю ездить в поезде. Стоит только жениться и ты уже никогда в жизни не сможешь сидеть у окна.

(Джером Сэлинджер.Френни и Зуи)



Маша_veryscandi ✦слова на заказ✦Я была на сайте 2 часа назад 2 июля 2015, 15:50

Россия, Москва

I’m still playing along with Project Simplify and it’s been SO awesome! I tackled the crazy closet in my craft room/office which was seriously disorganized and I’m so excited with the results!

This closet is home to the kids craft supplies, the big kids hanging clothes {since they don’t have closets in their bedrooms}, books and more of my craft supplies. I had bins and containers to organize stuff but they weren’t really being used to keep things sorted. Things were just stuffed in there wherever I could find room and it was nearly impossible to find anything in the chaos.

Before it could get any better it had to get worse. Much, much worse! I emptied each and every container and drawer, then began sorting + purging. See that big orange garbage bag? By the end it was full and it felt SO good to throw it away!

This is the result of nearly a week of cleaning, organizing, labelling + throwing away!! Ahhhh…I breath a happy sigh every time I look at it! The plastic drawers on the right side house all the kids craft supplies. Each drawer is labelled {paper, paints, stickers, etc.} and here’s a closer look inside:

Below is the drawer where we keep all the crayons/markers/pencil crayons. I found the plastic 4X6 photo containers at a local dollar store and I love them so much. They’re the perfect size for crayons, card games, pip squeaks markers and other craft supplies! I store so much in these handy little containers and they’re great for grabbing on the go when I need coloring supplies for church or doctors appointments. They’re also available on amazon here: Clear 4X6 photo cases – 10 pack.

I also finished up with the expedit shelf I was working on last week. I hadn’t organized the locker baskets yet so I went ahead + emptied them all, got rid of anything I didn’t need + then labelled them.

Here’s a closer look at some of the baskets that contain crafting tools, mini albums, packaging materials, rubons, letter stickers, etc.

I created the quick + simple labels in PS using a plain black background and Ostrich font – one of my new favorite fonts. I printed them on carstock, cut to size, then added them to the baskets.

Getting my craft room/office organized has been on my to-do list for ages and Project Simplify was

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